Thursday, November 17, 2011

141 days to go, who has hidden the wine?

141 days to go. Still on hols in Shropshire. 2.6 mile walk. 3.2 mile bike ride (move over Lance). One of the wittier versions of my friends informed me that Wetherspoons are opening a new bar at EBC ready for my arrival and that Yaks are now being fitted with quadottle carriers (wine boxes). I approve of this.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Everest Base Camp - 143 days to go

143 days seems like a long time, or not eek. On holiday with family at the moment and working on building up fitness. Having never been a runner I am thrilled today to have managed 1.61 miles in 18 minutes. I have done some more shopping this week in preparation, a pair of 1000 mile socks (seconds form Ebay £2.29). Still need to buy a Goretex jacket and a down jacket amongst other things. Just read a really useful blog by a Canadian Couple who did EBC and they provided a decent packing list. I will add more as I buy it.